- top
- Specifies in percentage format (from the top to the bottom) the position of the top edge of the inner rectangle (color 1). For top, 0 means the top edge of the inner rectangle is on the top edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the bottom edge of the cell.
- left
- Specifies in percentage format (from the left to the right) the position of the left edge of the inner rectangle (color 1). For left, 0 means the left edge of the inner rectangle is on the left edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the right edge of the cell.
- bottom
- Specifies in percentage format (from the top to the bottom) the position of the bottom edge of the inner rectangle (color 1). For bottom, 0 means the bottom edge of the inner rectangle is on the top edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the bottom edge of the cell.
- right
- Specifies in percentage format (from the left to the right) the position of the right edge of the inner rectangle (color 1). For right, 0 means the right edge of the inner rectangle is on the left edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the right edge of the cell.
- gradientStops
- A GradientStop array indicates the gradient stops.
Return Value
A Fill value represents the created gradient fill.